For most of my life I've been making art in various forms--weaving, pottery, jewelry, sewing. Because I love color and texture, I decided to focus on textile art and after being introduced to quilting many years ago, it has become a passion. I collect fabrics in all of my travels and also dye my own silks and cottons. My work has been in major national and international shows as well as being in corporate & private collections, books, magazines and calendars.
For almost 20 years I've been a member of an international group of quilters involved in Round Robins. We're from many U.S. states and about 8 countries. Our quilts are passed around by mail, and we see the works in progress and finished quilts by email. Over the course of time we've arranged to meet at Paducah and Houston and have visited each other and been in frequent communication by email.
I've also been teaching art, quilting and beading on cruise ships for over 15 years, most notably as artist in residence on the Crystal Serenity for their World Cruise. Over the course of 4 months I was responsible for designing and facilitating a World Cruise quilt, an undertaking participated in by people of varying experience and age levels, many of whom did not speak fluent, if any, English. You can see the photo of it above--I made the Mariner's Compass featuring the ship's logo, but all of the squares were made by guests.
As well as making the Round Robin and other quilts, I do lectures & classes nationally and internationally, and design patterns.
Karenstockwell@gmail.com 727-992-1068
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