Here's a new class I'm excited about!    PHOTOS--PETS & PEOPLE.

Sometimes a photo just grabs you & you think : QUILT.  Wish I knew how to do this in fabric.    

This class is for you!

Learn how to make the pattern, how to select fabrics that will do a lot of the work for you, then how to sew/quilt it at the end.

These are my 2 youngest sons in St. Augustine when we first moved to FL.

My Mother & Father & my sister and me---taken from an old black & white photo, so I kept the feel by using sepia-toned colors.  

Andi does art & beading, but never quilting.  Lulu is turning out fantastic & looks just like her!

Robin usually does incredibly detailed pastel portraits of animals.  This is her first time with fabrics...see how she lets them do the shading and contouring.

Auditioning background fabrics for a quilt of my middle son, Geoff.  And the finished quilt...

My granddog, Rigby, a Corgi and Quisha, a friend's papillon 

Denise is a painter & has never worked with fabric....Lola turned out great!  Easy directions, easy-going technique.

     Groups:  $900 for the 2 day class.

Or for the first time, I am offering small 2 day classes at my studio (min 3, max 6) for $90 pp. which includes access to my fabric bins.  Get some friends together & plan a date.

My husband, done from a photo with an Andy Warhol effect.

Luke--all white or all black dogs can be challenging.